Saturday, October 17, 2009


Well, last night, Alexander received his webcam that he bought from Ebay. He kinda surprised me. I didn't know he was going to purchase one. He only paid...$7 for it! What a smart man. We only have 38 days until I fly to Reno, Nevada to be with him for Thanksgiving. I get to meet the rest of his family. A tad nervous but his aunt told me not to worry. I just hope everyone likes me. Anyway, back to the webcam. We talked on the webcams for hours! I was so happy to see him. I just kind stared at him lol! And whenever he would look at the webcam it looked like he was looking straight at me. I love his eyes. Love his brown eyes. I just can't get enough of them. There is just something about them that drawls you in. Anyway, he was getting tired and had a long day and we finally got off about 2:30a.m. I cried because he was telling me sweet things and I didn't want to go. I'm so... blah without him. There's nothing to do. I'm a sitting duck! And I HATE waiting... with a passion. Like, imagine the most inpatient person... that'll be me. I'm patient for a lot of things but not for things that I really, really, really want and know that I have but just can't quite have it right now. UGH! lol! I mustn't complain. I am a very lucky person. I need to focus on invitations, the temple, my wedding dress, my hair, make-up, shoes, jewelry, the open house/reception that we are having at my house and the whole point of doing this. It's for us and our future. =.>